Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Do Not need your hand in iworkflow How can workflow help you?

Sometimes it is complicated to remember what you have to do and when and even more difficult to control the employees in some cases. Do you find it difficult to remember all of the daily tasks that must be accomplished and to follow up with the designated activities of your Constituents?

The iworkflow automation is can be the solution for this situation. It does not need your hand totally, it can be described as the use of email based software technology to pick up the efficiency of a workflow business process by coordinating activities of the involved individuals. 

What if you could get rid of the repeat emails? What if you could digitize the paper forms forever? What if you could analyze any business process to be clear how long it takes, where the hang-ups and truly know if you have enough staffing?

When you receive hundreds of emails a day, it’s impossible to retain all of the things you need to do in your head. In addition, automating the workflow gives the ability to see who is responsible for the processes. All initiations, approvals, rejections, and inputs are assigned to the individuals. Moreover when you write down the notes or a list to do in files, you have to remember that you wrote it and where.

Document Approvals: Do you try to automate your business process many times but it is a mess when you look at. With workflow software, you can easily automate this process.  Many Business Process Management Suites offer templates that can get you up and run quickly in any approval process (See K2’s Workflow Product).

Keywords: AS/400 MICRAS/400 Excel , Document capture software


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